Thursday, August 04, 2022

CRUDDS - a tank of thinkers



Chumuckla Reprobates Utopian Debate and Discussion Society



(usually at Vic's house - Martin Road)

Sometimes we meet at Jay Historical

or other places.


5-10 is a usual group for coffee

Some of our regulars --  

Vic Campbell, Jim Campbell, Richard Youtes, Winston Burnham, Wayne Pannell, James Kilcrease, Diane VanLeer, Dick Miller, Stuart Pooley, Tommy Nichols, John Koch….

The usual Reprobates - take note - Guests are welcome . Typical group will be from 5 to 10 people. .
Text ahead or FB messenger if a guest. Just text and come on. Get directions.  See Vic Contact...

We avoid politics but sometimes a politician may show up. Discussions on politics might be taken aside from the group but not necessarily. We just have a lot of things that come up to talk about without getting into politics -- much. We have NO AGENDA . We endorse no candidates . We just have a good time and learn things. Local things. Sometimes world things. …………………

Some random CRUDDS-- not all CRUDDS are listed. Guests are welcome .. Text and come on.

James Kilcrease, Richard Youtes, Richard Wood, Emmie Lou Tucker, David Driver, Dom Tascarella, Susan Hornsby, Wesley Roberts, Wayne Pannell, Richard Miller, Vic Campbell, Jim Campbell, Stephen Howell, Paul Campbell, Richard Youtes, Winston Burnham, Wayne Pannell, James Kilcrease, Diane VanLeer, Dick Miller, Stuart Pooley, Emmie Lou Tucker, Dot Germann, Sandra Davis Neal, Dana Doty, Greg Scott, Jeff Bohannon, Tommy Nichols, Norman Chapman, Michele Baxley Hines, Stuart Pooley,


Community Center

Near the SCHOOL

Some of the old timers often have great networks you might tap into. We learned Mr. Pennington and Richard Griner found out both were interested in coming up with a SONG ABOUT CHUMUCKLA.  They met and enjoyed some music a couple of years back. The memory of Jim Pennington's song lives on. He passed away in 2023.


The usual folks and anybody else is very welcome. 

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