The U.S. Marines just celebrated their 230th Birthday on Nov 10, 2005. Their's is an awesome service and, as a Navy veteran, I would have to say the Marine Corps is the finest auxilliary service the Navy ever created. This link will give you a Marine Corps Birthday Card in Flash Video. If you are a Marine - Enjoy. If anything else - Take Pride! I think especially of the Marines I know and of those to whom I have enjoyed in family and friendship. Thanks Marines! I knew George Dykestra of Sparta - A veteran of Guadalcanal and of Peleliu (he would never talk about it). I knew Ronald Glass of Savannah Georgia, a veteran of Iwo Jima (lasted about 10 minutes on the beach, was shot through top to bottom, wrecking one leg where the bullet came out. He was pulled out of harm's way at that point by squad members he had trained in boot camp (he was quite mean to them as he recalled) - This was his first experience in combat, having been a DI at Paris Island for two full years before Iwo Jima. He was a veterinarian when I met him. He had a limp arm and crippled leg, but he soldiered on. My cousin, Rogene Kilpatrick of Pace, Florida is a veteran of Korea, being among the first to arrive after the NK invasion and at one point being caught up in the great fighting withdrawal out of the Chosin Reservoir (Chesty Puller said "Good thing we are surrounded - now we can attack in any direction") and the Pusan exodus. And, there are many more Marines whom I am honored to know. To those Marines (and other soldiers of all branches) today who are in harm's way - know that you are respected. Your country calls and you answer. Your's is no easy task. May God Be With You. AND - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Marines! Photo is "Pat" Kilpatrick and his wife Virginia.
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