Thursday, January 18, 2007

Weekly Kuwait Update 1-08-07

Well, another week in the books. This week has been about the same as the others. I did have a chance to go out for another Angel Flight. Guess what? It was cancelled just like the last one I tried to be a part of. To refresh your memory, thee flights are where the fallen service members get transferred from a flight from Iraq to a flight back home to their loved ones. I actually made two trips to the airport to pay my respects and to conduct the honors. The first time the group got the times wrong. One would think that with the military time working in our favor, that sort of thing would not happen. But we still have to battle the local time with that of the so called "ZULU" time. The second time I went to the airport, the flight was early and we missed it by twenty minutes. Unfortunately, there will come another day that I will be able to go up and pay my respects.

Well, I am finishing this story up late on Monday afternoon. It seems that doing all the mid-watches (mid-night to 08:00) has messed with my sleep schedule. I tried to go to sleep late night and couldn't. So I stayed awake all night long reading and then trying to go to sleep. I gave up around 05:00 at which point I took a shower and got ready for the day. Two nights ago I came off a mid-watch and stayed awake to go do the angel flight. I stayed up for 13 hours. With no sleep since 14:00 yesterday and it is now 17:00, I have been up for 17 hours. For some reason my body does not want to go to sleep when it is dark. It is one of the weird things that we all have to deal with when the watch schedule changes around the clock. Don't worry; I will make up for it. The last time this happened, I slept for 18 hours. Yes, it can be done if a person is tired enough.

OK, I have an update on the wreck that I sent a picture of last week. I was finally able to take a picture of the automobile from the other side of the road. Now, there has been some discussion on the actual point value so I am submitting the two photos for a final review.

If you notice the other vehicle is on the other side of the road where the black vehicle hit is as it crossed in front of it. I can not imagine how fast the black SUV would have to be going to flip and skid down the highway. We constantly see vehicles pass us doing well over 100 MPH. One
night we were driving down the six lane highway doing 80 MPH and two people on a 4-wheeler passed us on the shoulder doing a wheelie. No helmet and no shoes. These people are unbelievable drivers. If there is one thing I fear over here, it is driving down these highways with the Kuwaiti people behind the wheels. They actually have children sitting up on the dash, in the back windows and never in a car seat. I wished I could say that the accidents like this one are rare but they aren't. We usually see one of these a week.

Well, it is now time for me to recharge the batteries. I NEED SLEEP. By the way, the countdown timer has 3 months, 29 days, 12 hours and 54 minutes. We are now under the 4 month left milestone. J Thanks to all for the thoughts and prayers. It really helps. Until next week, Go Gators, neat the Buckeyes and maybe the Chiefs will win it all next year when I can be in the stand yelling them on.

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